MLT Consult started in 1995 as a simple firm with only one person. However the drawingoffice has developed itself into a widespan company with a lot of different coorporative partners.

MLT Consult is lead by the Constructing Architect BTH Michael L. Thomsen and has a staff of freelance constructing architects, architects and engineers. MLT Consult can therefore handle all sizes of building related projects at a low prize cost benefitting the client.
MLT Consult has been working with the following projecttypes:
  • Drawing manifacturing on a CAD system. We have been projecting aluminium/glass constructions, individual luxurious 1-family houses and renovation and add-on projects.
  • Systematic and long term maintenance of large building complexes. We have made long termed maintenance plans for public institutions in Denmark. For example Amter and Kommuner. MLT Consult has worked with systematic long termed maintenance of over 335.000 mē of buildings in Denmark.
  • Renewal projects as subscribed by the danish building renewal institute.
  • MLT Consult has also projected 4 - 5 stories infill buildings with shops, offices and dwellings.
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